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Friday, February 11, 2011

Proving I'm A Casual (Black Ops)

Since I have a few days of free time a week, I always enjoy sitting down and playing some Call of Duty with some friends. I wouldn't dare call myself a gamer, that would just make me a turd. However today I think I should bring attention to some nice channels as far as the recent game Black Ops goes.

I'm far from anyone to be giving game advice but I find these channels are somewhat interesting on a rainy day. The first channel is by zzirGrizz. He is (apparently) a good, popular player. He likes using snipers, so if you want to learn by a "monkey see, monkey do" tactic, you might want to give his channel a try. He also has some nice tutorials and a few rather humorous clips.

The second channel is from XboxAhoy. He is doing an in depth guide for each of the guns currently, and I must say his voice makes me fall in love with each weapon. I used to think the Enfield was such a turd, now I seem to use it a lot. Go figure. Intertwining history and game statistics, it's definitely the history channel of Black Ops.

Anyhow, that's all for this post. I'd just like to note I don't get commissions from this, and neither of these are my channels. Enjoy.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Little Background Information

Okay so I'm a few days from turning 19, living with my parents right now and looking for a full-time job. Currently employed at McDonald's while spreading my (slightly) growing resume around hospitals, auto shops and any other place. Saving money is easy, until I'll be rooming in a cozy rundown apartment and a full-time job.

Anyhow, that's about me. Since the month of love is about to culminate, I figure I must mention the little heart candies that everyone seems to buy up.

Although the candies are supposed to spread 3 word long words of love, I was combing through some during lunch. I happened upon one during this, which simply said "Don't tell." Now I'm not sure how anyone is supposed to know what to make of this. What would you think of this candy if it were given to you? Is some rapist going around and spreading these little snippets to their victims? That'd be my first guess.

Anyhow, that's all I have for today. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Grand Chase

The first and foremost thing you should know about me is I'm a casual gamer. My main game of interest on the computer is an F2P MMO called Grand Chase. It's a typical dungeon crawler, side scrolling action. It has some arcade elements to it, like "charging up" skills and is real time. Due to me keeping my gaming life/online life and real life apart, I will not disclose my IGN.

I'll dive more into the game and myself at a later date, but hopefully this will give you a look into what the blog will evolve to.

Just starting~

It may take me a while to get used to this setup, change has never been exactly welcomed for me! However look forward to me blogging about useless things like Grand Chase, my life, and wisdom on bathroom walls. I should be posting daily, or if I get behind, don't expect me to be off by more than a day. Life is rough, blogging comes second, I'm sure you know how that goes.